
Adult Ministry

    • Adult Sunday School – 9:45 am
    • Wednesday Night Bible study – 7:00 pm


    • Monthly Neighborhood Saturation

      On the third Saturday of each month at 10:00 am, we meet to reach out to our community with a friendly gospel witness and invitation to our church. Through a simple neighborhood outreach, we hope to share the life-changing love of God through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    • Worldwide Missions

      Through our world missions program, we support those who go to the uttermost parts of the earth to share the glorious light of the gospel with those living in spiritual darkness. We strive to support them faithfully through financial giving, prayer, and love. We are currently supporting missionaries in various parts of the world such as Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, Central America, Mexico, Canada, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, as well as various ministries based in the United States.


Children’s Ministry

    • Sunday School Classes

      Teachers lovingly share stories and lessons from God’s Word with children each Sunday at 9:45 am.

    • Nursery
      Loving nursery care is available for children from birth through three years old during each service.